At clients convinience
You can plant Brachiaria grass with the rains and next year you will have a lot of forage...
High Crude protein of 18% while Napier grass has 7% and Boma Rhodes has 10%.
Increases milk production in both cows and goats by 40%Tested and proven
It is a drought resistant grass does well even in dry areas
Grows up to 1.5m tall
It is very tasty to animals and they love feeding on brachiaria grass.
Can be grown for commercial hay production. With the grass yielding about 600 bales per acre in one season and you can harvest 4 times in an year.The 2400 bales of Brachiaria grass can generate about 720000 .A bale of Brachiaria grass is more expensive than boma Rhodes and sells at 400.Brachial gives 20 tonnes of green fodder per acre
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